Playing with Colour

Tea Butter Flower15g 5 scaled

You won’t believe that it is super easy to make – a magical drink. Also, let me tell you a secret: you only need 3 – 5 readily accessible ingredients from your pantry staples and a nice glass to achieve this:

1.Blue tea (premade)*
2.Crushed ice
3.Lemon/ lime juice
6. Glass tumbler


*Please refer to Blog: “Blue Tea?” for a perfect blue tea

To make a magical galaxy drink (Lemonade)

First, scoop some honey into your favorite glass tumbler, as it will sink to the bottom anyway since it is the heaviest. Then, I add some lemon/lime juice. The next important step is to fill your tumbler up with crushed ice. Followed by plain water, leaving about 1cm for the last ingredient – the blue tea which is pre-made. But be very careful in this last stage because you need to add this in as gently as possible. Some people find it helpful to pour the blue tea over the back of a spoon. And boo-yah! Watch the magic unfold before your eyes!


Note: you can substitute the lemon/lime juice with other fruit juice. Explore with you unlimited imagination.

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Tea Butter Flower15g 1

In fact, I spend more time taking pictures of these achievements than making them.

Try your hands on this magical, colourful art. And remember to show your arts to me if you don’t mind. Enjoy arting!