Your fruits, Our strive, God’s blessing

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An article by Hilda

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This Summer

Summer is the perfect time to indulge in fruits – satisfying yet burden-free. Shiny nectarines, juicy plums, and summery peachcots might come to mind but that’s not all. Our trees are just getting warmed up!


Your Fruits

We, Aussies love a good ol’ blistering summer, enjoy the rest of it with plump figs, assorted pears, enough nashis to put any Asian grocer to shame and finish off with sugary-sweet Fujis and last but not least, the honied persimmon.

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Abundant Rainfall


We are delighted to be able to offer you all these from our farm because with the Lord’s favour there has been abundant rainfall this year, high moisture levels are great for blossoming trees and setting fruit too. In contrary to yesteryear’s drought which we had to give up quite a bit of fruit trees. We really thank God.

We hope you’ll join us in this ‘fruitful’ journey. We’d love to hear from you too! Let us know if you’ve received an unexpected or unrecognisable one or just a bomb and we’ll work it out together. Until the next fruit… see you!

Baby and Fruit