What do we give to the next generation

UNNSO221001 012


Our Next Generation

Educating our next generation about sustainable lifestyles

Pick fruit and Eat fruit

Some fruits grow on trees, and some grow on the ground. Learn about the growth environment of different fruits.
The fruits picked from the trees do not have any chemical or pesticides, and the fruits can be directly picked and eaten. This is the benefit that nature gives us.


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Tree climbing

There are also many natural toys in nature. You don’t have to play with plastic toys.
Younger children climb small trees, older children climb big trees. They shuttle through the woods, absorb phytoncide, vitamin D, and children’s happy laughter, this is the life a child should live.

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We also teach them to draw what they see. And draw their happiness  on the paper with their eyes, with their little hands, and with various colors.

This is the world that children see, so innocent, so natural, so lovely, and it needs us to work hard to maintain the nature they like.

We are working hard for the growth environment of our next generation, how about you?

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